Tuesday 16 April 2019

Snap Cat: Former Poachers Swap Guns For Cameras To Save Russia's Snow Leopard

Snap Cat: Former Poachers Swap Guns For Cameras To Save Russia's Snow Leopard

Ecologists long suspected the rugged mountains of Sailyugemsky National Park -- tucked into the Central Asian notch where Kazakhstan, Russia, China, and Mongolia meet -- were prime habitat for the beautiful, endangered snow leopard. But little was known about the numbers or habits of the elusive creatures. In 2010, American researcher Rodney Jackson of the Snow Leopard Conservancy donated 20 motion-activated camera traps to his Russian colleagues in hopes of learning more.
Read more: https://www.rferl.org/a/snap-cat-former-poachers-swap-guns-for-cameras-to-save-russia-s-snow-leopard/29882472.html?source=Snapzu

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