Thursday 21 September 2017

Bill Blain: "We’ve Heard JPM Traders Bragging In The Pub How Much They’ve Made From Bitcoin"

Bill Blain: "We’ve Heard JPM Traders Bragging In The Pub How Much They’ve Made From Bitcoin"

Will they? Won’t they? I’m not talking about Donald’s playground bluster about nuking North Korea back to the 1950s. Shocking and intemperate. Yes. But, plays to his audience. Of more import are Central banks and how they wriggle out of their current chains. Will the Fed put another nail into QE this afternoon? We think they will announce the end of coupon reinvestment: de-facto normalisation/tightening. Get on with it! US markets are resilient enough to cope – but we really need to see serious spread decompression between the fixed income asset classes.
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