Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Obama deems Drake good enough to play him in inevitable biopic

Obama deems Drake good enough to play him in inevitable biopic

Drake hasn’t acted much in recent years, having filled most of the time since he dropped out of Degrassi: The Next Generation about a decade ago by becoming, well, one of the most successful musicians on the planet. (Which isn’t to discount his important and powerful cameo work in Anchorman 2 and Ice Age: Continental Drift.) Variety reports that he’s just gotten the blessing to get back in the “Aubrey ‘Drake’ Graham” game in a major way, though, with Barack Obama telling reporters that, sure, Drake can play him when the inevitable biopic comes out.
Read more: https://news.avclub.com/obama-deems-drake-good-enough-to-play-him-in-inevitable-1845769219?source=Snapzu

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