Saturday 25 July 2020

Money alone won’t close America’s racial and wealth gaps, we first need to wipe out the value gap — ‘the belief that white people matter more than others’

Money alone won’t close America’s racial and wealth gaps, we first need to wipe out the value gap — ‘the belief that white people matter more than others’

There’s a ride at Disney World called the Carousel of Progress in which a cast of animatronic Americans on a revolving stage tell of all the technological upgrades to our lives since 1900: indoor plumbing, flight, television. It’s one of Walt’s original attractions, dating back to the 1964 New York World’s Fair — and the name could not be more apt. Carousels, for all their dizzying motion and calliope music, mostly just spin in place. “Progress” is like that, too.
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