Tuesday, 2 May 2017

These fancy earbuds have a built-in slider for letting in more or less noise

These fancy earbuds have a built-in slider for letting in more or less noise

I confess to being an earplug obsessive. I have a favorite brand (Howard Leight Laser Lites) and I buy my ‘plugs in bulk, scattering them like candy in bags, drawers, and pockets for easy-access silence. It’s an affordable luxury I recommend to anyone. But my earplugs are disposable, and I like the idea of getting something a bit more durable and functional. Enter the dBud...
Read more: http://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/4/24/15405222/adjustable-earbuds-dbud-kickstarter?source=Snapzu

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